AQUOS 4K Captures Real Beauty

AQUOS 4K Captures Real Beauty

What is a 4K TV and its benefits?

It's the age of 4K now, which bigger and brighter 4K TVs have effectively replaced full HD TVs with four times as many pixels.

4K TV has now become the standard type of TV for buyers, come in various sizes and specifications that fulfill your specific needs.

Thus, this blog contains the knowledge you need to know about a 4k TV.

What does the word '4K TV' means?

Based on, a 4K TV is an emerging technology with a resolution of 3,840 x 2,160 pixels, which is 8 million pixels in total. The pixels of a 4K TV is four times the number of Full HD or 2K (1,920 x 1,080).

A 4K TV is also known as Ultra HD or UHD and works more effectively on a larger screen. The resolution and the latest picture processing technology make more precise and astounding 4K images. The result is a stunning clarity that makes all images come to life.

What are the Differences between 4K and 2K (Full HD) TV?

Resolutions and Pixels

Screen resolution is the key difference between a 4K and 2K (Full HD) TV.

Meanwhile, the resolution is differed by the number of pixels. A pixel is the smallest digital graphics unit displayed and represented on a device. These pixels are organized into rows and columns.

The resolution will define how many pixels there are in each row (width) and each column (height).

Pixels of 2K and 4K TVs:

  • 2K or Full HD: 1920 x 1080
  • 4K or Ultra HD (UHD): 3840 x 2160

So, a Full HD TV with a 1920 x 1080 resolution means that it displays 1920 pixels per line and 1080 per column. We usually refer to a 2K resolution as 1080p.

Meanwhile, a 4K TV displays 3840 pixels per line and 2160 per column.

Let's keep it simple- the more pixels mean the better display quality for the viewing experience.


The extra pixels of 4K TVs help them outcompete the 1080p TVs in terms of color displayed.

4K TVs can achieve a wider color gamut, offering a more extensive palette of colors than a 1080p TV.

A 4K TV screen can also display a more accurate depth with exceptional contrast between light and dark than a Full HD TV. With the feature of that, 4K TVs could supply lifelike images that look almost the same in reality.

Also, 4K is now a preferable way to look for HDR or Ultra HD (UHD) features.


Full HD TVs were once the most common type of HDTV set with a screen resolution of 1080p. Computer monitors or laptop screens are widely available in 1080p.

Thus, we can say that Full HD TV resolutions on smaller screen devices make more sense. This is because screens at 40″ and below are not large enough for 4K to look noticeably clearer or sharper.